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As a small business owner in the age of digital communication, it’s easy to feel as though your efforts to reach customers are lost in a sea of content. Relying solely on social media platforms to engage a customer base and create new relationships can be an uphill battle. But there is still a venue where you can control the conversation, and your present and future customers will come to you willingly: a blog.

A well-positioned blog with fresh, interesting content can supply a steady stream of relevant and engaging material for your existing social media network followers and newsletter subscribers. What do I mean by “well-positioned”? Make sure your business blog has a prominent role in your website, possibly with selections from your latest posts near the top and easy to find within your site’s navigation. Create several easy opportunities for site visitors to subscribe to a newsletter to receive notifications about your latest posts, and your business will begin to see an increase in return visitors. Every time you can encourage previous site visitors to return to your site is another sales opportunity.

Using a blog to regularly produce meaningful content that speaks to the needs of your customers creates an ongoing conversation between you and the people you need to connect with the most. Not only that, but a thoughtful approach to topics you discuss on your business’s blog can lay the groundwork for a strong presence in search engine results. The result? All the benefits of paid advertising at a fraction of the cost. And when you do put dynamic advertising strategies like retargeting to work, the fruits of your labor will add up tremendously, stretching the value of each advertising dollar.

The rules of play for social media are constantly shifting, and the volume of content shared on the ever-expanding number of platforms seems to grow exponentially. But the benefits of creating a blog for your business can help level the playing field, increasing the opportunities for your business to reach new customers and stay in touch with existing.